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Inspired Home Box

Noell Jett

Last fall, I had the honor and privilege of co-hosting a giveaway with my friend Jess from @CarcabaRoad to encourage a local family whose baby boy, Adler, had been born prematurely and was in NICU. This family owns a local store called Declaration & Co, where they design and sell the most adorable home goods items and clothing. As I got to know the owner and designer, Lara, I absolutely fell in love with her! She is such a talented, artistic momma with the biggest heart! I wanted to find a way to work with her and their entire team. So we sat down back in January and brainstormed about what we could create that would allow us to send a taste of ourselves and our Florida homes to you!

Our ‘Inspired Home Box’ is full of farmhouse inspired goodies. We thoughtfully curated and designed these items to reflect my home and love of all things farmhouse. Each piece has a special meaning to me and a story that comes from my heart. Each and every single detail was purposefully designed and chosen to represent things I love and want to share with you. Lara hand sketched every element of the designs; watching her work was amazing! Her artistic abilities absolutely blew me away!

“Each piece has a special meaning to me and a story that comes from my heart”

There is nothing I love more than an amazing smelling candle! I am that momma who has candles burning 24/7! When Lara told me that I was going to be able to create my own candle scent, I was beyond excited! My husband is very particular with scents and cannot stand anything too strong or overpowering, so I knew I had to find the perfect, fresh, clean scent to appease both of us! After sniffing countless oils, we came up with a combination I am obsessed with! While this is only available in this box, I am going to have to talk her into selling more! I want one in every room of my house! Plus the beautiful label Lara designed is such a beautiful, yet neutral design, it will go with any decor and add an extra special touch!

As many of you know, I love to bake! There is nothing I love more than baking fresh bread! As far back as I can remember, the smell and feel of fresh dough warmed by soul. As a child, I would experiment, perfecting my recipes and learning how to handle yeast. My great-grandmother was known for her cinnamon rolls. She lived next door to a local radio station and would take them her freshly baked cinnamon rolls while they were live on the air. I remember listening to the radio from an hour away, listening to them raving about my great-grandmother’s cinnamon rolls and I could not wait to grow up and share my love of baking in the same way! As my dough rises, I always cover it with a soft tea towel and this repurposed flour sack tea towel is just perfect for the job! Every time you use it, you will be reminded that ‘These are the Days.” Even on the days that feel long and excruciating, someday we will look back and remember the sweet, soft cheeks of our babies resting sweetly against ours and we will say “those were the days.”

“These are the Days”

While this precious bag is absolutely functional; pack it up and take it anywhere your day my lead, it also pretty adorable just ‘being’! Hanging from a hook or ladder, fresh, fragrant flowers cascading out to the side, this bag adds the perfect touch to your decor! I love seeing similar bags hanging in laundry rooms or mudrooms. Generously sized at 12″ x 18″ it has plenty of room for anything you may need to fit in it!

Our custom roasted ‘Home Sweet Home” blend is perfect for one pot of coffee. It goes perfectly with my cinnamon rolls! So put those kiddos down for a nap, brew yourself a pot and enjoy some quality alone time!

If you are signed up for our Good Vibe Tribe Newsletter, you will also receive a stack of these custom designed recipe notecards! I have a box and a notebook full of recipe cards from my great-grandmother and my Nanny that I greatly cherish! I also have three-ring binders with plastic dividers that I am working on filling up for my girls to give them as a wedding present someday.  I love how recipe cards allow recipes to be passed down from generation to generation. Seeing my Nanny’s handwriting as I follow a recipe allows me to feel connected to her even though she passed away over eight years ago and I hope my recipes will connect me to future generations in the same way!

There you have it! I hope you are as excited about each carefully curated and designed detail as I am! I know it can be hard to communicate smell and touch through pictures, but trust me when I say, you will be blown away by the quality and beauty of this box! Since this is our first time, we decided to launch it as a pre-order to make sure that everyone who wants one gets one! You can order your exclusive box here until April 4th! Until 11pm est on March 26th,  use the code ‘JettSet’, you will receive free shipping! These boxes will arrive the first week of May, just in time for Mother’s Day! They would make the perfect gift for any Mother in your life or take the opportunity to spoil yourself!



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